Friday, September 30, 2011

Trip Itinerary (with a handy dandy map!)

Noon, Oct 6 - Depart Madison
9:30 PM, Oct 7 - Arrive Cape Town

Oct 8 & 9 - Cape Town

Oct 9 & 10 - Franschhoek

Oct 11 & 12 - Hermanus

Oct 12 & 13 - Knysna / Fly to Durban

Oct 13 & 14 - Durban

Oct 15 - 21 - Hulu Nyala safari

8 PM, Oct 22 - Depart Johannesburg
Noon, Oct 23 - Return to Madison
(Click on the map to make it larger.)

Planning the trip seemed pretty overwhelming and a little scary so we wanted to work with a travel agency. But our contacts there got no where, so we ended up doing it all ourselves. It was a lot of fun to do and it's kinda crazy, once you start talking to people it's surprising how many have visited South Africa and have travel tips/recommendations. Also, thank goodness for the world wide web and Trip Advisor! Bit by bit we got the pieces put together... now all that's left to do is Go!

How this trip came about...

So, I'm sure there are some of you that are wondering "Why go to South Africa?" Well, it all started a year and a half ago at a YMCA golf fundraiser. Yep, at a golf course. After everyone was done golfing they had some silent and live auctions. And one of these live auction items was a 6 Day/6 Night African Safari. Maybe I should back up and state that at 10am that day I had a bloody mary in one hand and a beer in the other. And I should also note that they had free beer on the course.
Okay, back to the live auction... My mom asked me if I was going to bid on anything, and I told her that I was interested in the African Safari. I'm not sure if she believed me, but she sure acted surprised when I put my paddle up to make a bid. At first it was going up slowly, with a small group of people bidding on it (maybe 5 at most). Then all of a sudden I notice that it's just me and one other person. Unfortunately, they were sitting in the back of the room and I couldn't see who they were. Which come to find out, would have been useful information. So, I had told myself a limit that I wanted to pay, and before I knew it we reached that amount. This is where the liquid courage and everyone else in the place egging me on, caused me to keep bidding. It got to the point where it was well beyond my max bid price, and I needed to stop. So, I ended up losing the auction item. Sad, I know.
After they awarded the bid, I still got lots of congratulations since I helped bring the auction price up so much. Which still seemed weird, but I said thanks. Then all of a sudden I get pulled aside by one of the event organizers. He started to thank me again for helping raise the price. Then I found out that I was bidding against the lady who was the main sponsor of the whole event, so my bidding was doomed from the beginning since she wasn't going to stop bidding until she won.
You're probably wondering how I ended up with a 6 Day/6 Night safari. Well, the event organizer also pulled me aside for another reason. He told me that there was actually a second safari that they were going to auction. And said that he would give it to me for my last bid price. I said, "you've got yourself a deal". Yes, it was over my "max bid price", but the money went to the kids. And how can you say no to helping the kids?
So, there's the story on how South Africa came about. Part of the safari deal was that you needed to book it within 2 years of purchasing it. And I realized that I would be turning 30 within 2 years of purchasing. What's a better 30th birthday gift to yourself than a trip to South Africa?

Thursday, September 29, 2011

30 candles...21000 miles

Welcome to 30 Candles, 21000 Miles -- our South Africa blog! One week from today we'll be hitting the sky on a plane bound for Detroit, and then a plane bound for Amsterdam, and then (finally!) a plane bound for Cape Town.

So why 30 candles, 21000 miles? Ryan will be blowing out 30 candles while we're in Africa -- October 9, to be exact. That's really the reason for the timing of this trip -- he felt the need to get out of the country, out of the continent, out of the northern hemisphere to celebrate I guess :) And 21000 miles is the guesstimated number of miles we'll be traveling...10222 miles to get to South Africa, 1625 miles around South Africa, and 9152 miles to get home. Yes those are going to be ridiculously stupid long flights but don't worry, my boyfriend will be bringing every possible electronic gadget available under the sun to keep us entertained!!