Sunday, October 16, 2011


We have a lot of blog catching up to do, but in the meantime wanted to write a quick post to let you all know we've made it to Zulu Nyala Reserve for the safari!

We're staying in this "tent." Its acutally made of concrete and has electricity and a very nice big bathroom, but I guess the screened windows and no AC makes it "tent" worthy.

We went on our first game drive last night -- what a trip!! We saw the "usuals" -- zebras, nyalas, impalas, little monkeys sitting in trees (Mugsy-- Ryan could spot these before the tour guide could, he thought you would be proud), ostrich, warthogs, one lizzard and kudus. Also some cape buffalo, giraffes and a mama rhinocerous with her little baby. All very cool, but the real highlight were the 2 cheetas. They were on the prowl, looking for their dinner. We lost them in the bush for 3 minutes and by the time we got repositioned and found them, they had already made their kill -- one less impala living on the reserve! We watched them eat their dinner for felt very Lion King "circle of life"-ish.

That's all for now! Headed out for our second game drive this morning. Miss you all!

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